Sunday, February 24, 2008

Runnin' With the Brandon ...

The boy came out to see me for a mental health day so, since it's gorgeous outside, I dragged him out to run with me. We ran the 8/10ths of a mile down to Sweetwater Park which, normally, I'd be fine with but since my cardiovascular endurance is the suck ...

Once at the park, I dragged him through some basic plyometric stretches and then made him stretch out really well. We did some jumping jacks and then took a break so Brandon could go play with some dachshunds. After that, we did a few simple sprints ... and had to stop after realizing that neither of us can do cuts around the tree - his ankle and my lumpiness (stupid arch) preventing us. Afterwards, we walked back home.

Short, simple, but enough to get us moving. And injured. But y'know.

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