Sunday, July 13, 2008


Didn't end up working out on Friday (cluuuuusteerrrrrr) but did spend an entire day in high heels on Saturday (a workout in itself!) as well as got my groove thang on a bit that night.

This morning, we were up at 3:45am CST to eat some breakfast to catch a 4:30am shuttle to try and catch a 6:15am flight back home. We made it, but it was a loooong day. Still, we knew we HAD to work out ... especially given that teeny tiny little detail of I have a tri in 21 days.

So, after prying our tired asses off the bed after dinner, we wandered on over to the gym for some pool time. I tried out the ol' tri suit which was a really weird experience but one I needed to get in. Didn't feel good the first 100m (surprise surprise) so went for a modified "sprint" workout - 2x100m, 2x50m, 4x25m then just a chunk of swimming which ended up being 300m for a total of a 700m workout. That's just a little less than what I'll be doing in 21 days so I'm okay with that. I'd like my swims from now until then to be NO LESS THAN 750-800m.

Plus the boy said I was having some good form going on tonight, so yay. :)

More tomorrow - I need sleep. *YAWN*

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