Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Back to 24

I was going to work out yesterday, but my legs just didn't want to carry me out of bed (or, for that matter, out of my pj's) all day yesterday. Granted, I did move out of bed and around the house, but that was it.

Today, however, was a different story. I was going to go work out regardless of the crappy weather calling for me to go curl back in bed with a good book (like yesterday). So, a little later in the afternoon than ideal, I got in my car and drove through the drizzle to 24.

I did a different warm-up today - 15 minutes on the Precor elliptical (no handles) doing a cross-training setting. I then stretched out really well and noticed my flexibility is starting to come back a little, so that's encouraging. After I finished limbering up, I hopped on one of the stationary bikes for a painfully boring 25 minutes and nine miles (sport specific, level 7). It was a bit difficult as I was sitting there with the sweat pouring off of me (note to self: don't wear t-shirt to gym unless lifting ONLY) and being oh-so-bored. But, I finished it, so go me!

Thought about lifting, but the place was starting to get busy (4pm = start of evening rush), so I just decided to boogie on home.

Even though I know I still have a long way to go for my tri and my personal goals, I am feeling better about things. I think having a training buddy in Brandon helps a lot and I hope to be able to find him a cheap-ish membership to 24 so he can make me lift more ... :)

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