Thursday, May 1, 2008

A quick run

Totally forgot to blog yesterday, so briefly catching up on my exercise from yesterday.

Theresa and I went to my local car place to get my tires replaced (fucking flats) and while that was happening, decided to go for a run. I really didn't have a specific place to run to, so we just kind of decided to take our own route. We warmed up properly (STRETCHED!!!!) for about 10 minutes and then took off. I led most of it, but sometimes ran behind T to get a nice view. ;)

We walked by this house where a dog was barking like crazy. Once we got past it, we ran again. Walked briefly, then finished it out strong. Mapped it out later and determined it to be 2.3 miles.

I am starting to feel really good about this running thing. :)

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