Monday, May 5, 2008

Yay for Dirt! Boo for Hills!

Well, Brandon and I wanted to run today and so we did. Since pavement sucks and is evil, I decided to take us to the Glendale Farm Open Space and do the loop there. It's about 1.6 miles, dirt, hilly (boo) and just a little south of where I am. It's also where I did the vast majority of my running last year in tri training.

I don't know if it was the wind or dehydration or what, but it was tough doing the loop today. My chest still feels kinda icky from it and I walked way more than when I first did the loop last summer. Still, I know how difficult it is to get back into running and I have faith that the more I run and do the loop, the easier it shall be. :)

Hopefully more running tomorrow!

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