Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Halted Run Progress

Ran again today as more preparation for Sunday's 5K. Decided to be lazy and drive down to Sweetwater Park ... so we could run from the park along the Willow Creek Trail for a while. Now this trail is one I've walked and biked several times before - in fact, I've bit it while biking down a curve on dirt (which is now paved over. yay.).

In any case, the trail really doesn't have mileage, but overall, we figured we ran/walked about four miles. We walked through the park up this killer hill as our warm-up, stretched out, then started running. I set off before Brandon (since i'm slower) and ran for two songs on the ol' iPod before walking one then running one more. During the third running song, we made it to Willow Creek Park where we played a bit ... because we're children.

After a few minutes, we set off on the return path running for a little while before Brandon started getting a toe blister and we walked the rest of the way. I was feeling okay, other than my feet overheating a little, and probably could have run more, but we're training together. Besides, we still walked the hilly paths so it's not like we weren't doing anything.

Tomorrow should hopefully be some strength-training as well as stairs at Red Rocks ... not to mention signing up for our race!

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